Pupils adapt mosquito alarm into ringtone unaudible for over twenties
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The mosquito alarm is usually effective in driving away youths from shops by emitting a high pitch sound that is mostly audible to those under 20. The obvious benefit with most teachers being over this age is that Tech-savvy teenagers can get away with leaving their phones on in class.

The sound turned ringtone has been named ‘Teen Buzz‘ and is being beamed around classrooms utilising bluetooth.

A secondary school teacher in Cardiff said: “All the kids were laughing about something, but I didn’t know what. They know phones must be turned off during school. They could all hear somebody’s phone ringing but I couldn’t hear a thing. One of the other children told me all about it later. I couldn’t be too cross, because it shows resourcefulness.”

Mosquito was originally developed by Merthyr Tydfil-based Mosquito Loitering Solutions whose device is appearing around popular chav hotspots such as the local Spar or McDonalds.

Simon Morris of Mosquito Loitering Solutions was amazed that children had turned the idea around:

“It’s staggering. The crazy thing is that it’s the kids themselves who are using an idea designed to annoy them. It isn’t exactly the same as our Mosquito noise but it works in a similar way – only the kids can hear it, not the teachers. It has the potential to be quite disruptive in the classroom.”

Why schoolkids can’t be content with silent/vibrate mode we will never know, there’s always one rebel though! Last summer we had crazy frog plastered all over the TV several times a night, at least if Jamster start pushing this one on TV any of us over 20 won’t be able to hear it!

Publication GadgetSpy
Date 24 May 2006

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