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Thank you for producing such a fantastic product!

Just a quick note to thank you for producing such a fantastic product! We installed 4 of your Mozzy devices (The smallest version of the Mosquito range)at a block of flats that we manage as we had an on-going problem with teenagers hanging around and disturbing the residents. They have now all but gone, when […]
Kim Norris, Charter House Property management Ltd

Idlewells Shopping Centre

Hi Simon, I just wanted to drop you an email to let you know this [Mosquito] seems to have solved our problem – yippee! Another property manager who works for Ashdown Phillips is currently looking at this option and will be in touch in the near future. Ashdown Phillips Property management Related Products Mosquito Kit […]
Ashdown Phillips Property management

Thank you Simon, you have given us our lives back

Hi Simon Steve Tayler here from 22 Wheatley road in Leicester. I Bought a couple of Mosquito units off you last year. Soon after I began using the mosquitoes The youths complained to the police about my noise making devices. The first I knew of this was I had a knock on the door from […]
Steve Tayler, Leicester

I can’t thank you enough

Dear Si, I bought the Mosquito from one of your resellers and i have had it fitted now. I can’t thank you enough. It has made such a difference to my life. It was expensive for me and i had to save up, but the gang of 10 or so kids that plagued me every […]
Mr. Burnside, Leeds

We now live in peace and quiet, and feel as if our home is our own once more

Thank you so much for your wonderful invention – it has completely changed our lives in under a week. Our house is a corner house that gives directly onto the street, and we were constantly besieged – from 3.30 in the afternoon to well after 11pm some nights – by various groups of teenage boys, […]
Annie Hawes, Individual

No further vandalism since the units were fitted

Approx £54K over a 12 month period preceding the installation. There have been a couple of further minor incidents of vandalism but not while the units where switched on and operational. I have regular contact with the school and they have suffered no further vandalism since the units were fitted. Gordon White Building Surveyor, Plymouth […]
Gordon White, Building Surveyor, Plymouth City Council

Since the unit has been installed we have seen a huge reduction in numbers gathering

Hello I recently bought a unit from cctvdirect.co.uk I was very unsure about the product and all the press. The staff where very helpful and persuaded me that my initial concerns would be soon forgotten. My father runs a small store near Bradford and the shop front was attracting large groups of teenagers that although […]
M Patel, Shop Owner

You can move crowds without getting into a confrontation

Already, the device has helped with youth crowd control at our school system in Columbia, S.C, emergency services manager at Richland School District Two, said that the schools purchased two Mosquitos from RMS Technologies two months ago, installing one in a vehicle and mounting the other in a commons area. “What we like about them […]
Rick McGee, Service Manager, Richmond School District Two, South Carolina

The success of this initiative has been effective and noted by both this department

For 12 months to date your company has supplied and fitted a number of ‘Mosquito Anti Social Behaviour Devices’ in the Liverpool South Localities. The success of this initiative has been effective and noted by both this department and the public. I communicate today to share with you the appreciation submitted by the communities in […]
Lawrence Jeffries, Crime Reduction/Architectural Liaison Officer - Merseyside Police

Mandatory condition of a licensing application that a mosquito device be fitted to a shop

Hello, Please note that Sheffield City Council Licensing Board (of which I am a member) have on several occasions made it a mandatory condition of a licensing application that a mosquito device be fitted to a shop that sells alcohol – where there is evidence of youth nuisance in the neighbourhood. John Robson Councillor for […]
John Robson, Councillor for Arbourthorne Ward - Sheffield City Council

What an incredible invention. I would highly recommend it

I decided to purchase your Mosquito device because tenants of mine had been hounded by noisy, drunken and malicious youths for many years. Your device took no more than 15 minutes to work before the kids moved to somewhere less unpleasant for their ears, and though they have attempted to congregate in the same place, […]
Jim Hourihan, Liverpool

The results have been quite dramatic with youths vacating the area within minutes

We installed our first Mosquito in the Locksheath District Centre which is a shopping centre near Fareham. They were suffering the usual problems of gatherings of large quantity of youths and the associated anti social behaviour that goes with that. The results have been quite dramatic with youths vacating the area within minutes. We are […]
Tony Walters, Crime Prevention Officer, Hampshire Police Fareham Division

There has been positive feedback and enthusiasm from the stores

These second set of results show that the trial has been successful and there has been positive feedback and enthusiasm from the stores. Midcounties Co-operative Loss prevention trials Related Products Mosquito Kit 1 – MK4 + PSU EU (Anti-Loitering device) Mosquito Kit 1 – MK4 + PSU UK (Anti-Loitering device) Mosquito Kit 2 – MK4 […]
Midcounties Co-operative, Loss prevention trials

We have had a positive reaction regarding its use from members of the public

Regarding the Mosquito apparatus that we have recently been using in our area, this is just a note to say that we have been extremely pleased with it. We have also had a positive reaction regarding its use from members of the public. In short, it has been an all-round success. Sarah Ward PC 1623, […]
Sarah Ward, PC 1623, Gloucestershire Constabulary

In the two months after the device was introduced the police received just three callouts

A controversial mosquito device is to be introduced to deter trouble-making youngsters gathering near a Preston street. Police and community leaders are hoping to erect the device, which works by emitting high pitched sounds, near one end of Janice Drive, Fulwood. A wall which forms the gable end of a home lies at that end […]

Youths are not congregating anymore

Evaluation of Trial Mosquito™ sited at CO-OP London Road, Macclesfield. We were regularly called to the shop in relation to nuisance youths congregating, intimidating members of the public and “persuading” them to purchase alcohol, and also incidents of violence, including one where a shop customer’s car was bricked. The device was installed and very quickly […]
PCSO 7068 Simon Martindale, Macclesfield Neighbourhood Policing Unit, Cheshire Constabulary

All the anti-social behavior problems ceased

As a beat officer working in Bournemouth I had to deal with the problem of underage drinking and antisocial behavior that regularly occurred at the rear of a community centre. We installed the mosquito system at the community centre for a trial period of approximately 8 weeks. From the moment the system was deployed I […]
PC Mike May 2093, Beat Officer, Dorset Police, Bournemouth

Fantastic invention

It is excellent news that the mosquito has been a huge success story for the Co-operative Group and is having a significant impact in attacking the problem of crowds gathering around our stores. Sunwin Security has been promoting the Mosquito since December 2005 and this feedback is one of many positive reports that we have […]
Stefan Trbovic, Manager Sunwin Security

Midcounties Co-operative Mosquito Trial Results

The results show that the trial has been successful and there has been positive feedback and enthusiasm from the stores. No negative feedback or complaints have been received by either store from members of the public. Kevin Brown Group General Manager, Midcounties Co-operative Related Products Mosquito Kit 1 – MK4 + PSU EU (Anti-Loitering device) […]
Kevin Brown, Group General Manager, Midcounties Co-operative

Feedback from Premier Security

This feedback was received from Premier Security who are a security company based in Belfast, Ireland, UK. Pre-Sales Service: 5/5 Post-Sales Service: 4/5 Ease of use of the Product: 5/5 Quality of the Product: 4/5 Effectiveness of the Product: 4/5 Technical Support: 5/5 Overall Rating: 5/5 Premier Security Belfast Related Products Mosquito Kit 1 – […]
Premier Security, Belfast

The impact that it has made is unbelievable

Dear Simon, Please excuse me for not replying to you earlier but i have not been too good with a chronic pain problem. We had the mosquito put up by a friends of ours and first off, the instructions were excellent. The friends who helped, one is a ‘know it all’ computer buff and the […]
Kris Perkins, Private home owner