British inventor of teen-repellent device wants laws regulating it
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‘Mosquito’ deserves a try

A recent letter writer was correct with his statement that the Mosquito ultrasonic teen repellent operates at 80 to 90 dB and emits a frequency of 18 kHz. This was an obvious miscommunication.I wish to add that it is understandable that when a new product is...

Latest bid to fight bad behaviour

UNRULY teenagers are making the lives of people in Berkeley a misery according to residents. Frustrated residents claim criminal damage, noise, speeding and underage drinking are all becoming a common scene late at night in Berkeley town centre. The public toilets on...

Back to school – with the phone call your teacher can’t hear

Students have always tried to best their teachers in the small-scale warfare that is school, and now they have biology and technology on their side – at least where mobile phones are concerned. The psycho ringtone has arrived in Austria. Ringtone marketers are...

One Device Tracks Gunshots; Another Stops Teens from Loitering

Richland County deputies have unveilved two new high-tech devices which they say should help to combat and reduce crime. One is called the ShotSpotter, the other is known as the Mosquito. The ShotSpotter uses specially designed acoustic sensors to ‘hear’ a...