World’s First Musical Mosquito Ringtone Announced
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World’s First Musical Mosquito Ringtone Announced

A mosquito ringtone is generally audible to teens only and most adults can’t hear it. Aubraux has introduced world’s first musical mosquito ringtone on their website at A mosquito ringtone is generally...

Shopkeeper warns kids – buzz off!

BESIEGED by young yobs, a Park North shopkeeper has installed a high-pitched alarm to drive off louts. But just a day after Welcombe Stores in Park North installed the “mosquito” that had cleared the area outside the shop, the hooligans came back to try to...

Mosquito Units Force Teens To Buzz Off

It seems as if businesses have tried everything to rid themselves of pesky teenage loiterers–the ones who use foul language, constantly bum cigarettes, shoplift, and make older customers feel uncomfortable. For a time, primarily in the United Kingdom, businesses...

War on teen gangs

COCKERMOUTH youngsters will be driven away from gathering outside Sainsbury’s supermarket by a sounds device that only they can hear. Used by police, the Mosquito machine emits a sound that those under 20 years old can hear and officers hope it will deter...