Mosquito Loitering Solutions Ltd. announce launch of MOBEYE GSM smoke detector
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What’s that noise? Unusual tool banishes pesky would-be vandals

Whine, audible just to kids, may solve expensive problem Robert Barron, Daily News Published: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Devices that emit highly irritating sounds that can only be heard by young people should be in place within weeks in two Nanaimo schools, in an...

Gallery Place Installs Anti-Loitering Device

The owners of the Gallery Place commercial strip have installed an anti-loitering noise device — one to discourage any loiterers, not just teens. Gallery Place has further urged the D.C. Council to pass an anti-loitering ordinance, something the city currently...

Mosquito Targets Teens With Audio Repellent

Local business owners have found a solution to the problem of loitering teenagers — an audio repellent called The Mosquito. The device emits a high-pitched sound that drives teens crazy but can’t be heard by most adults over 25. Inventor Howard Stapleton...

Stop Treating Teenagers Like Insects

By Dan Malouff – Arlington County transportation planner who blogs independently at The Local Blog Network is a group of bloggers from around the D.C. region who have agreed to make regular contributions to All Opinions Are Local. Do teenagers have...