World’s First Musical Mosquito Ringtone Announced
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World’s First Musical Mosquito Ringtone Announced

A mosquito ringtone is generally audible to teens only and most adults can’t hear it. Aubraux has introduced world’s first musical mosquito ringtone on their website at A mosquito ringtone is generally...

Shopkeeper warns kids – buzz off!

BESIEGED by young yobs, a Park North shopkeeper has installed a high-pitched alarm to drive off louts. But just a day after Welcombe Stores in Park North installed the “mosquito” that had cleared the area outside the shop, the hooligans came back to try to...

Mosquito Units Force Teens To Buzz Off

It seems as if businesses have tried everything to rid themselves of pesky teenage loiterers–the ones who use foul language, constantly bum cigarettes, shoplift, and make older customers feel uncomfortable. For a time, primarily in the United Kingdom, businesses...

War on teen gangs

COCKERMOUTH youngsters will be driven away from gathering outside Sainsbury’s supermarket by a sounds device that only they can hear. Used by police, the Mosquito machine emits a sound that those under 20 years old can hear and officers hope it will deter...

Noisy youths will buzz off

EALING Council are using “mosquitos” to stop anti-social behaviour in the borough. Mosquitos are ultra-sonic devices which emits a high-pitched tone that can only be heard by people under 25-years-old. The council decided to install the devices in the...

Awards for undistinguished, farfetched work

And the winners are… We warned you last week that the annual Ig Nobel Prizes were about to be awarded in Cambridge, Mass., honoring — or dishonoring — some of the most undistinguished and farfetched work in science and other research-oriented fields....

Nobel Prize Winners Celebrate The Science Of Silliness

IT IS a device with a variety of practical applications: an ingenious gadget that disperses gangs of loitering teenagers by emitting a piercing shriek only they can hear. Not the pinnacle of science, perhaps, but high enough to win the Welsh engineer who designed it...

Teenage Deterrent Wins Prize

It’s not the accolade scientists will most likely put down on their CV. But Thursday evening 1,200 people filled Harvard University’s historic Sanders Theater, some to throw paper airplanes, but all to hear who won a spoof prize based on the Nobel Prize....

Mosquito Wins Ig Nobel Prize

This was a great week in Nobel Prize world for the U.S., but in the IgNobel Prize world, one which lampoons the Nobel Prizes, one of the winners was something we had covered earlier at RTN, the Mosquito. This is a device that drives away teenagers by playing a sound...