What Are Some Examples of Antisocial Behaviour?
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Even though it affects millions of people across the country, there remains confusion about what antisocial behaviour actually entails. Official legislation states it is a person that has acted ‘in a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as (the defendant).’

What is clear, however, is that antisocial behaviour problems have the potential to harm your mental health – to the point it can develop into a mental disorder. This is especially the case if you’re specifically targeted by someone with a conduct disorder or antisocial personality

disorder.Early intervention can be key to limiting the damage caused by antisocial behaviour. To help with identifying ASB, and before you contact the relevant authorities, here are a few examples to remember.

Damaged property

If you’re a property owner, one of the biggest worries about antisocial behaviour is the threat of damage to your home. If someone was to commit vandalism against your private property, it wouldn’t necessarily just cause significant mental harm. If the perpetrators are not caught, you could end up paying to repair or replace what they damaged.

As for the act of vandalism, various actions fall under this category. Examples of vandalism include:

  • Breaking windows
  • Spraying paint
  • Slashing your vehicle’s tyres
  • Egging your property
  • Breaking garden ornaments
  • Rowdy behaviour

Antisocial behaviour doesn’t have to be directed specifically at you. It can also be a nuisance for your community. This is the case with rowdy behaviour in a public place. While youths are free to gather in groups without repercussions, this changes if they begin to make loud noises and annoy others.

Street drinking

When people commit to unlicensed drinking in public spaces and property belonging to your local authority, this is deemed antisocial. Public drunkenness is also judged the same way if unplanned parties spill out into the street.


If someone was to enter your garden without permission, this is considered trespassing. The same applies to someone entering any land, premises, or water without gaining lawful permission or authority to do so. Another example of antisocial trespassing is a group establishing an unauthorised campsite.

Animal issues

Do you have a neighbour with a troublesome pet? If an animal is seen as a nuisance – either due to its own actions or those of its owner – this is labelled as antisocial. Problems can include barking, fouling, and uncontrolled stray dogs wandering around the neighbourhood.

What next?

Nobody wants to be the victim of antisocial behaviour. Yet it is something which is generally out of your control, and it can strike at any time. Fortunately, there is an active approach you can take to limit ASB and its impact: installing an anti-loitering device.
By using this device, you and your community can be provided with respite. It supplies a high-frequency sound which ensures youths won’t want to stick around for long. To find out more information about our Mosquito anti-loitering device, contact us.