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COCKERMOUTH youngsters will be driven away from gathering outside Sainsbury’s supermarket by a sounds device that only they can hear.

Used by police, the Mosquito machine emits a sound that those under 20 years old can hear and officers hope it will deter teenagers from hanging around outside the South Street supermarket.

The Mosquito, which has been piloted at locations across West Cumbria, will only be switched on when youngsters need to be moved on.

It is hoped that the machine will be installed before Christmas.

PC Sue Wheelhouse, town centre officer for Cockermouth, said: “It will be used in the Sainsbury’s area, where kids congregate.

“It has been a problem for the shop. They are plagued most weekends, with up to 20 children there.

“They may not be doing anything but sheltering there, but the sheer numbers can be quite aggravating and put customers off.”

Inspector Joe Murray, of Cumbria police, said: “We are looking to work with Sainsbury’s and to have the mosquito on site.

“It has been working exceptionally well in other areas and has had a dramatic impact on criminal damage.

“They are a good investment to deter anti-social behaviour. They have been successful.”

Publication Times & Star
Date24 November 2006

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Mosquito MK4 (Anti-Loitering device) Customise your own kit