Is the Mosquito Anti Loitering Alarm Legal? | Mosquito
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Is the mosquito alarm legal?

As an individual you have a legal right to peaceful enjoyment of your property or business. The Mosquito device is 100% legal to own and use and requires no planning permissions. The government has stated that, “Mosquito alarms are not banned, and the government has no plans to ban them”.

The Mosquito is safe, legal and harmless. The safe use of the anti-social device to prevent unwanted behaviour is backed by several organisations. Here you can download and view various documents that verify its use in terms of its legality and harmless nature when installed in appropriate situations.

Human Rights Act and Mosquito – Investigation

HSE Report On Sound Levels 2001

AERC Review of Environmental Acoustic Legislation – Mosquito

Official Home Office Position in Relation to Mosquito

The Mosquito is safe, legal and harmless





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