Mosquito Loitering Solutions Ltd’s external security systems adopted by police control rooms and Bold Communications
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Mosquito Loitering Solutions Ltd., manufacturers of probably the most stable external security systems in the UK are pleased to announce the formal adoption of their security systems by Norfolk and Kings Lynn police.


Well known for their controversial but highly effective Mosquito anti-loitering device and RDAS wireless battery powered GPRS systems for large external Mosquito Loitering Solutionss, void property systems and recently their Church roof security systems, Welsh firm Mosquito Loitering Solutions have chalked up another first with their VX and HX range of standalone PIR security systems.


Simon Morris, Commercial director of Mosquito Loitering Solutions said “ we have been working with several UK police forces over the last 18 months to develop a range of standalone GPRS connected PIR’s that can be rapidly installed by police officers in any external environment.  Using Optex VX402 and HX40 detectors, Mosquito Loitering Solutions modify the units to GPRS communication that provides a fully ARC monitored system and online real-time log.


Initial trials over the last 12 months have allowed Norfolk and Kings Lynn police to deploy units in areas suffering from theft within minutes and be assured that the units are so reliable, that they do not false alarm due to animals or severe weather.


Deployment of the initial batch of systems has lead to several arrests and convictions which has gone over very well with local residents. and senior officers.


The Mosquito Loitering Solutions VX and HX GPRS stand-alone systems have proved to be so reliable and valuable that Norfolk & Kings Lynn police have committed to using Mosquito Loitering Solutions’s range of monitoring solutions fully integrated with the Bold Gemini alarm handling system used in their control room


Brian Kelly, Managing Director of Bold Communications,the monitoring software supplier commented, “There is strong demand in the monitoring sector for a reliable and effective rapid deployment solution.  Feedback from Norfolk Police about the Mosquito Loitering Solutions RDAS product has been consistently positive and we are therefore very pleased to support the unit within our Gemini software, enabling other users of Bold Gemini to also monitor the devices.    


Says Simon Morris “we are very pleased with this development and we are currently working with several other forces towards the same goal. The ease of use and reliability of the new GPRS enabled VX and HX external systems has given the police a powerful tool in the fight against crime that is highly cost effective. Installation costs are essentially the cost of an hour of an officers time and the returns are significant, especially during difficult budgetary restrictions within the forces”.


Mosquito Loitering Solutions produce a range of external and void property systems suitable for a wide range of applications. All systems are designed and built in the UK from the component level and are highly reliable and flexible. In part this is due to their exceptional design engineers, however, the keen of eye will notice that only Optex PIR’s and active beams are provided with their systems. This is due to the indisputable fact that Optex produce the worlds most stable passive and active beam detectors on the market.