Visually verified wireless PIR performance | Mosquito Loitering Solutions
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Recent analysis has shown that the RaiderVision units are proving to be highly reliable with exceptionally low false alarm rates for external applications. The figures so far after 4 months are:

77% of activations return clear images with a person present.

16% of activations return clear images with no person present. Most likely due to rising sun in early morning clear sky conditions. This is an issue that can be resolved by ensuring detectors are not pointed due East if they are not located in shade.

6% of activations suffered a 404 communication error.

Howard Stapleton, Managing Director of Mosquito Loitering Solutions says “ this is an exceptional performance for a battery powered wireless external PIR with visual verification. We have been working with ARCs who are plagued by huge numbers of false activations from other battery powered wireless systems and we feel that the RDAS+ with or without RaiderVision enabled detectors has set a standard for others to strive for”.

For further information on Mosquito Loitering Solutions’s professional product range call us on 01685 350418 or visit our website