Information letter about the mosquitos placed by the municipality of Rotterdam
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Information letter about the mosquitos placed by the municipality.

Relationship with the coalition agreement/college work programme/previously adopted motions and commitments made:
Safety course 2023-2027

Financial and legal consequences/aspects:

Four years ago, I brought the mosquito back to Rotterdam, as an instrument to tackle serious nuisance caused by loitering youths in places where people could not sleep because of this nuisance. This was controversial and there have been various ideological discussions in your council about this instrument.

In order to meet the (justified) objection that the mosquito could also be heard by non-nuisance-causing youths, a strategy was chosen in which the mosquito is no longer continuously activated at certain times, or with every movement. The current generation of “smart” mosquitos is activated ad hoc by residents, only when they experience nuisance. This is for a short period of time (usually 15-20 minutes) and only possible between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am, with some exceptions. This means that the mosquitos are hardly ever switched on, but can be used when necessary.

In the past 4 years, a total of 22 mosquitos have been placed in public areas, spread over 17 locations. Of these, 6 locations have now been discontinued, where the mosquitos have also been removed. All installations are monitored.

The most important criteria for whether or not to continue keeping a mosquito at a location – are the development of the number of activations linked to the number of nuisance reports at the location and the contacts with residents about the nuisance and the mosquito. If it is decided, on the basis of this, that a previously placed mosquito can be removed, the power connection will be maintained, so that relocation can be realised quickly, in the event that the nuisance flares up again.

I would like to briefly note here that mosquitoes are also used by private parties such as homeowners’ associations, parking garages and especially housing corporations. They are free to do so, as long as this does not cause any nuisance in the public area. If a private mosquito is audible in the public area, action can be taken against it on the basis of the APV (noise nuisance).

In the past four years, the municipality has received three complaints about a beeping sound, with the complainant thinking it was a mosquito. Upon further investigation, all three turned out not to be about a mosquito. No complaints have been received from the immediate vicinity of the locations mentioned below.

Overview of locations and current status:

Out of service/relocated (6)

Location Oosterkade, Centrum

This was one of the first (7/2020) locations. After changes to the infrastructure that made “hanging-out parking” less attractive, the nuisance disappeared and this mosquito was removed and relocated elsewhere.

Krabbendijkestraat, Charlois en Hofstedestraat Delfshaven

Due to a lack of interest in participation among local residents, it was decided shortly after the placement decision, to remove this system and deploy it elsewhere.

Nozemanplein, Delfshaven

After partial redevelopment of the square, the nuisance decreased significantly in 2023, and this year the number of activations was zero. Based on this, the mosquito has now been removed and relocated elsewhere.

Piet Heynsplein, Delfshaven

This unit was installed in 2023, but was not activated due to local circumstances. The number of reports at this location has also significantly decreased without the need to use the mosquito. This was the reason for the decision to relocate this mosquito.

Toussaintstraat, Delfshaven

The mosquito in Toussaintstraat (installed in 2020) was not activated in the 2023 season, and so far in 2024 this remains the case. Based on this and the assessment of the situation at this location at this time, it was decided to release this unit for relocation and to remove it at the next opportunity.

At this moment, 1 mosquito is in stock and available for use.

Active (11)

Asserweg, Schiebroek

This is the only mosquito that is activated at fixed times via a timer, mainly due to the fear of local residents for the group of nuisance makers. The reports of nuisance at this former hotspot have almost disappeared, since the placement of the mosquito.

Teldersweg/Moltzerhof, Schiebroek

This location is in the vicinity of the Asserweg, and is the only location where there may have been a waterbed effect. This location is now reasonably quiet again.

Allard Piersonstraat, Delfshaven

This location has a persistent and special problem. For this reason, it was decided to link the activation of this mosquito to the existing camera surveillance and no longer to leave this to local residents.

Willebrordusstraat, Noord

This is probably one of the most active locations due to its location and layout. This is a canopy directly in front of the entrance to a small apartment complex. In the period from April to August, the number of activations is 1 to 1.5 per day. Residents are now very satisfied with the achieved effect.

The locations Asterstraat (Bloemhof), Stellendamstraat and Dirklandstraat (Pendrecht) are remote, small, partly covered hangouts in the immediate vicinity of homes. In response to requests from local residents, the possibility of activation has been brought forward from 22:00 to 21:00 at some of these locations. The number of activations is low but stable. The number of reports of nuisance has fallen drastically.

Generaal van der Heijdenplein, Crooswijk

Here, the number of activations is now showing a downward trend (66 in 2022, 43 in 2023) and far fewer reports of nuisance are also being received. The system here is set up in such a way – for the evening and night’s rest of residents, the mosquito is activated for 20 minutes and then for 60 minutes when calling in before 11 pm.


The system at this location was installed in mid-2022. In 2022, 105 activations were reported, and 162 in 2023. In the “busiest” months, July, August and September, this amounted to an average of 20 activations per month in 2022 and 23 in 2023. Residents indicate that they are very satisfied.

CruijffCourt/Kolenkid, Laan van Nieuw Rozenburg

This location also saw a sharp decline in the number of reports and activations: 271 in 2022 and 73 in 2023. Due to a technical problem with the power connection, this system was out of order in the first half of 2024 and the nuisance increased again. An alternative power connection has now been installed and everything is working again.

The three locations mentioned above offer facilities that also attract young people in the evenings. Different groups of young people, from different directions and at different times, also come together here. It is expected that continued efforts will be required at these locations, but here too the nuisance has now been greatly reduced.

Kruiningenstraat, Pendrecht

A mosquito was very recently placed here due to serious nuisance.


The use of the mosquito has led to a decrease in the number of nuisance reports at almost all locations and has thus brought more peace around the locations in question. At the same time, no complaints have been received about the use of the mosquito. Interviews with residents show that they also feel more involved in tackling nuisance in their neighbourhood in this way.

This instrument proves to be much more effective than deploying scarce law enforcement capacity, which also has only a short-term effect: the troublemakers disappear when the police arrive and return as soon as the police leave. The current practice is “if young people are considerate of their surroundings, nothing will be put in their way.”

Based on the experience gained in these four years, I dare to conclude that the deployment of this instrument has been predominantly successful, and is therefore a useful extension of the instruments available to the municipality to promote the liveability of the city for all parties involved. Each application will be continuously tested for proportionality and subsidiarity. The smart mosquito will never be the first means used in the event of a nuisance, but is a good alternative to heavier means such as camera surveillance and area bans.

The mayor,
A. Aboutaleb