Chavbuster plan to move louts on
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Horndean Parish Council is thinking about bringing in a high-pitched device to help disperse gangs of youngsters hanging around the streets.

The Mosquito, or Chavbuster, has already been used to split up gangs of troublemakers on inner city estates but it would be the first time it has been used in Hampshire.

The device emits a highpitched sound that can only be heard by teenagers as it is at such a level that adults, whose hearing has naturally started to deteriorate, cannot hear it.

It only affects people staying in the area rather than those simply walking by.

The parish council is looking at spending up to £500 on the speaker system to help put an end to the misery of those living near Jubilee Field, Horndean, where groups of up to 100 teenagers congregate at night.

District Cllr Ken Graham, said: ‘It is a novel idea, and it’s worth thinking about. But we don’t want to treat the youngsters like animals. We must investigate it properly.’

Parish councillors say Jubilee Field ‘is becoming a no-go area’ and that residents want something done to end their misery.

The suggestion to use the machine, called the Chavbuster because it breaks up gangs of youngsters known as Chavs, was made at a parish meeting and has now been passed on to the taskforce set up to investigate ways of curbing the problems.

Author Dan Kerins
Publication Waterloo & East Hants News
Date 07 June 2006

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