Since the unit has been installed we have seen a huge reduction in numbers gathering
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Hello I recently bought a unit from I was very unsure about the product and all the press. The staff where very helpful and persuaded me that my initial concerns would be soon forgotten. My father runs a small store near Bradford and the shop front was attracting large groups of teenagers that although did not always caused trouble they did make my father and his customers feel intimidated. The unit arrived the next day and as advised we had it installed by our alarm man, who only charged us £45. Since the unit has been installed we have seen a huge reduction in numbers gathering, its not wiped them out but it feels like a different shop. We are delighted with the results and so far nobody has complained, in fact I don’t even think they know where the noise comes from – I’m 26 and can just hear a slight pulsating sound. My father is delighted with the product and despite its high price seems very pleased with the results. This cannot be illegal – it’s just a noise and as far as we feel the noise the machine makes is tiny compared with the problems and real illegal behaviour my dad has had to contend with over the years.

M Patel
Shop Owner

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