Thank you Simon, you have given us our lives back
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Hi Simon

Steve Tayler here from 22 Wheatley road in Leicester. I Bought a couple of Mosquito units off you last year.

Soon after I began using the mosquitoes The youths complained to the police about my noise making devices. The first I knew of this was I had a knock on the door from a couple of police officers. Who I explained the situation to again.

Unfortunately for the youths they had had a run in with this particular proper copper and immediately the main problem youth and his family became a cause for this policeman, who I am very grateful to, as between the this policeman and the mosquitoes and a change in the way I dealt with the youths the loitering has all but stopped.

The community police officers I have to say have been of little use, always taking the youths point of view into account, ignoring the victims and the people who actually pay cpo’s wages.

I also had a run in with their sergeant who decided as she didn’t like what she was being told she would ignore it. She sent two female cpo’s for a chat. I refused them entry as I said why should I lock up my dog so you can come in and I told them they were a waste of time and a standing joke with the residents of our road.

I also asked if her sergeant had read PACE recently, as like it or not she did not have the luxury to ignore any potential evidence. I don’t suppose I was very popular, but felt they needed to be aware people were not impressed with them and their biases.

Every couple of week or the main problem youth tries it on with his ball and I turn on the units and after that a short time later he gives up. I won’t say it is 100% sorted, as they are good as staying below the radar then starting up again. but I would say we are 98% there and given that you can’t stop youths kicking balls, I think it is as good as it is going to get.

The police officer checked on the mosquito units and came back to me saying the police had no interest in the mosquito units. He did tell me that the council may complain on the grounds of human rights, which they are entitled to do, though this is not as council owned property and I have spoken to the council who have tried to tackle this problem as well., My contact on the council is well aware of the problems we have had and I told him about the units. His response was. “You have done everything you can do to sort out the problem” and they also are not interested in the units.

Thanks Simon, we have our lives back again

Steve Tayler, Leicester

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