Youths are not congregating anymore
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Evaluation of Trial Mosquito™ sited at CO-OP London Road, Macclesfield.

We were regularly called to the shop in relation to nuisance youths congregating, intimidating members of the public and “persuading” them to purchase alcohol, and also incidents of violence, including one where a shop customer’s car was bricked.

The device was installed and very quickly it became apparent that it was highly effective at dispersing youths from the area. Both staff at the store and customers have noticed that the youths are not congregating anymore and that the amount of calls made to the police have greatly diminished. The amount of shoplifting has decreased also.

Such has been the success of the device that COOP have since purchased 6 mosquito’s for their problem stores, one of which is now permanently installed at London Road.

Whilst the youths have moved on dispersal reduces the problem by approx 10%. We are very rarely called to London Road. Thank you very much for allowing us to trial one of the units.

PCSO 7068 Simon Martindale
Macclesfield Neighbourhood Policing Unit, Cheshire Constabulary

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