We now live in peace and quiet, and feel as if our home is our own once more
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Thank you so much for your wonderful invention – it has completely changed our lives in under a week. Our house is a corner house that gives directly onto the street, and we were constantly besieged – from 3.30 in the afternoon to well after 11pm some nights – by various groups of teenage boys, sometimes fifteen at a time, who would be sitting on our windowsills, leaning on our front door, making a terrible racket and strewing the place with empty soft-drink cans.
Within fifteen minutes of installing our Mosquito, the first group of youths had melted away. The next group arrived – and the same thing happened. And so it went on, a joy to behold!
We now live in peace and quiet, and feel as if our home is our own once more.
I cannot thank you enough!

Annie Hawes

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